Reduce Your Risk Of Colon Cancer

April 12, 2022

By Gnome West

According to a recent study close to 100,000 Americans are being diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer. Metastatic colon cancer is an advanced stage of the colon cancer disease. Those who have been diagnosed with it will experience some of the worst symptoms that include; constipation, weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, peptic ulcer disease, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, shortness of breath, and weakness.

There are many treatments available – but some doctors find it difficult to treat all of the symptoms that a patient with metastatic colon cancer. The reason for this is because the cancerous cells are no longer confined to the colon tissues – but have moved on to other organs in the body such as the liver or lungs. Thus creating more symptoms and making it harder to isolate the problem.


That is why it is important for patients to consider all of their options and seek immediate treatment even if they have discovered the cancer in one if its earliest stages. Studies show that 20 to 30 percent of patients who are treated for metastatic colon cancer have the ability to survive for many years after they have been diagnosed. That chance to live longer is increased when you have treated it and keep it from reaching your liver and lungs.

Doctors believe that people should begin colon cancer screening when they turn 50. You should then make regular visits every ten years after that unless your doctor says otherwise. While keeping up with routine check-ups is a great way to help discover colon cancer before it is too far advanced it isn’t a guarantee. Researchers admit that in some patients they are not able to recognize it until it is in the more advanced stages.

So how are we to prevent colon cancer? The first thing that you need to look at is the lifestyle that you have. Your risk for colon cancer increase if you smoke or have a bad diet. It is important to avoid fatty foods that can clog your arteries and stick mainly to foods that are nutritious and fibrous for your body.

Smoking is one of the biggest factors that is related to cancer so it should always be avoided – even second hand smoke. Your weight is also a large factor that is partly connected to your diet. People who are obese can have some of the worst symptoms of colon cancer.

Another factor to consider is your weight – which in part is tied into the diet that you have. People who are obese are more likely to have some of the worst symptoms and to advance more quickly through the stages of colon cancer. Once you change your diet and switch to eating some of the more healthy foods you should see a change in your weight as well. In addition you should set up an exercise routine – which will help you to stay in shape, lose the weight, and again will help to reduce your risk.

About the Author: Colon cancer is very real and we must do what we can to spot it before it is too far advanced. We feel that it is important to understand all of the facts concerning this deadly disease and do what you can to prevent it.


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